Vitamin D3 50 Plus

What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is increasingly regarded as a super−vitamin because scientists are discovering more and more proof as to its crucial impact on our health. National research recently revealed that one in five of us has low levels, putting us at risk of bone pain, fractures and other health problems. Scientists have learned that we all need vitamin D, not just for strong bones and teeth but for healthy muscle function and good immunity too. Our bodies are designed to rely on a ready supply of vitamin D that our skins synthesise from exposure to sunshine. As we age though, our bodies absorb nutrients from tablet supplements less easily and our skin’s ability to synthesise vitamin D reduces at the same time.
Why is ours better?
In the UK, the sun isn’t strong enough for us to make vitamin D between October and March, and our increasingly indoor lifestyles mean that even in summer many of us don’t get enough levels of this important vitamin. So we’ve created a small capsule with optimum levels of vitamin D, specially formulated for anyone over the age of 50. We’ve also added a drop of cold−pressed extra virgin olive oil, which makes it easier for the body to absorb. Unlike some vitamin D supplements, we exclusively use vitamin D3, which is the form of vitamin D produced naturally in the body in response to sunlight and is the form our bodies are most able to process.
Who is this for?
It’s ideal for the over−50s who want high levels of vitamin D3 in small, easily−absorb capsules to support bones, teeth, muscles and immune health.