Vitamin D3 4,000iu
What is Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D can be obtained through food sources such as eggs, fortified cereals and oily fish, but is predominantly synthesised in the skin through exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency is common across populations throughout the UK and as a result of a low level of exposure to sunlight, vitamin D synthesis becomes almost impossible in the winter, especially amongst athletes that mainly train indoors. Vitamin D3 supplementation can play an important role in correcting vitamin D deficiency to ensure the maintenance of adequate to optimal levels.
Why is ours better?
Formulated using vitamin D3, the form of vitamin D most readily absorbed by the body, each small ‘easy−swallow’ capsule provides 4,000iu of vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 plays a number of important roles in the body including providing support for immune health, muscle health and bone health.
A range you can trust
This product has undergone rigorous testing by LGC’s world−class sports anti−doping laboratory, Sport and Specialised Analytical Services, for a wide range of substances banned by the World Anti−Doping Agency (WADA’) to provide the highest levels of assurance possible for athletes.
Made in the UK.